Pastor Bob and Sandy Lenz

Pastor Bob and Sandy Lenz
Welcome as we are starting the "NEW" series this week.

Our Home Connect Group - Wednesday Nights 7:00 PM PST

Welcome to our Home Connect Group

We want to welcome you to join us via the web every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. No matter what your station in life, there are others who have lived through similar experiences as you have. One of the many treasures of a small group connection is the support you’ll receive from your fellow sisters and brothers that can relate and empathize. Certainly, you also have something to offer, such as help to a hurting friend, encouragement for someone suffering from loss or failure, or perhaps just being available to listen. A Skyline home Connect Group is a place to develop both in your personal relationship with God and your relationship with the family of God. As you journey through His Word, week by week, your spiritual life will soar with potential growth! We would like to invite you to give small groups a try. There are many groups from which to choose.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Expanding for His Kingdom

It takes a concious effort to step outside our comfort box. We tend to want to serve God on our terms, within our defined area of comfort. The Word of God tells us to expand the space of our tent, to stretch our the curtains of our tent. Having faith rooted deeply in Jesus Christ will allow each of us to expand to serve the Lord outside our comfort zone. It's easier sometimes to sit back and think, someone else will take care of the problem. Have we gone in prayer to God and ask if He could use us to be part of the solution? Or do we just place on our blinders to avoid the possibility that God would answer and direct us to expand beyond the place we are today.

Isaiah 54:2 (GW)
2 Expand the space of your tent. Stretch out the curtains of your tent, and don't hold back. Lengthen your tent ropes, and drive in the tent pegs.

We need to have greater trust in Jesus Christ if we are to expand from the box we are in today. How can we serve God where we are and also where we may be needed? How do we get past our own needs? How do we become less about ourselves and more about Him? The following Scripture has the answer.

John 3:30 (GW)
30 He must increase in importance, while I must decrease in importance.

Blessings to you today,
Pastor Bob Lenz

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