Pastor Bob and Sandy Lenz

Pastor Bob and Sandy Lenz
Welcome as we are starting the "NEW" series this week.

Our Home Connect Group - Wednesday Nights 7:00 PM PST

Welcome to our Home Connect Group

We want to welcome you to join us via the web every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. No matter what your station in life, there are others who have lived through similar experiences as you have. One of the many treasures of a small group connection is the support you’ll receive from your fellow sisters and brothers that can relate and empathize. Certainly, you also have something to offer, such as help to a hurting friend, encouragement for someone suffering from loss or failure, or perhaps just being available to listen. A Skyline home Connect Group is a place to develop both in your personal relationship with God and your relationship with the family of God. As you journey through His Word, week by week, your spiritual life will soar with potential growth! We would like to invite you to give small groups a try. There are many groups from which to choose.

Friday, April 30, 2010

When you have discovered your passion and purpose in life and can earn a living doing it, you'll never work a day in your life.

Serving God in full time ministry is not a job, it's a calling. I wake up every morning excited about the new day. I'm excited about meeting with people that I can share my faith with. Being able to pray for people and so often just giving an ear to listen doesnt require much when you love people.

Ministry is all about the person in front of you. Being authentic and seeing people as God see's them is the everyday goal. God commands us to love one another as we love ourselves. God loves us unconditionally. He sent His only Son to the cross for all of us. We have been justified and adopted into His family.

I have daily blessings beyond anything I could have dreamed to have in my life. I look forward to every Sunday as it feels like a family reunion at Skyline as people come through the door's, give a smile, a good morning and a hug.

It doesnt require a lot of energy to affirm, encourage and lend an ear to someone in need. Like the "good samaritan", we have a choice to be the hand's and heart of God or just continue to walk by and remain centered on self thinking someone else will take care of it.

Christianity is a transforming lifestyle, not just a religion to attend church on Sunday's and check off the box on a check list of things to do.

In His Grace,

Pastor Bob

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